Privacy Policy AIREA Thai Massage

JAS Asset Public Company Limited (“the Company”), as the owner of the AIREA Thai Massage (the “Shop”), has the purpose of informing you of the privacy policy set forth about the processing conditions of personal information of customers who come to use the service (“Customers”) for customers to acknowledge.

In this regards, when the customer agrees to provide personal information for contacting to reserve the service, creating a loyalty card or for membership of the shop. The Company will assume that the customer agrees and accepts this privacy policy. If the customer does not agree that the Company to process your personal data as stated herein, the Company reserves the right to refuse to provide some services to you, especially the part related to the member benefits of the store that customers may apply for, because the processing of personal data under this policy is absolutely necessary for the performance of the Company’s duties to such customers.

The Company may update this policy from time to time to comply with applicable practices and laws, and in accordance with the service business operation. The Company will notify customers of any changes by posting the revised policy through the Company’s contact channels.